UNSW is regulated under the Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) Australian Road Rules 2014. Signs are displayed at all entrances to the campus. All vehicles must be parked in marked bays and abide by signage posted in parking areas, including those which indicate fees must be paid (parking fees, once paid, are non-refundable). Please abide by the UNSW Sydney Parking Rules below as well as the RMS Parking Rules.
The UNSW Restricted Parking Scheme covers the Kensington, Paddington, Randwick and Western Campus car parks. These rules apply 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.
Any motor vehicle parked in any of the car parks mentioned above must have a valid virtual permit (vPermit), have a current parking session on the CellOPark app or have paid for parking at one of the pay-by-plate meters.
The type of permit indicates the areas where the vehicle may be parked. Vehicles are to park in marked bays only. Failure to comply with these rules will result in a parking infringement being issued.
Roadways and parking areas within UNSW are "Roads and Road-related areas" for the purposes of the NSW Road Transport Act 2013. Traffic and parking controls are enforced to provide orderly and equitable management of limited resources to the UNSW community.
Drivers on campus must observe the road rules as they would in any public street. Drivers of vehicles in the University grounds shall obey traffic signs, road markings and all instructions from Security Officers.
Please note: Security Operations Officers working in a capacity of monitoring parking at UNSW are equipped with sound and video recording devices for safety purposes.
UNSW operates a virtual parking permit system called vPermit. All staff employed on a continuing basis are eligible for vPermits.
To get a vPermit, register here. Once you are registered, you can select the type of vPermit and payment method directly from the site.
vPermit Holders are able to park in any parking bay which is marked ‘UNSW Permit Holders’.
vPermits purchased on an annual basis are eligible for salary sacrifice.
CellOPark is a native smart phone application, which is downloadable on both iOS and Android, and allows registered users to pay for parking directly from their mobile phone by using a credit card.
UNSW staff are eligible to pay a discounted daily staff rate. UNSW staff who take advantage of the discounted daily rate are able to park in any parking bay marked ‘UNSW Permit Holders’.
Parking paid for using the CellOPark app is not eligible for salary sacrifice.
UNSW is a Shared Zone and pedestrians have the right of way at all times.
Vehicles must not travel more than 10km/hour while on campus.
The speed limit on all UNSW campuses is 10km/hour.
Parking is prohibited on roadways (outside of marked bays), footpaths, grassed and landscaped areas.
Driving on footpaths, grassed and landscape areas is prohibited.
In instances where the nature of works makes it essential to park a vehicle on the roadside (outside of a marked bay), footpaths, grassed or landscaped areas, approval must be sought and obtained by emailing Protective Services Management Parking Office.
If approved, barriers must be placed around the work area and the work registered is to be registered with Security Operations by filling out this webform.
Parking outside a marked bay or contrary to the sign displayed is an offense against the Motor Traffic Act. All vehicles must park wholly within marked bays and must not utilise more than one parking space.
Parking a vehicle on UNSW property is a privilege, not a right, and is made available only under the policies established in these current University Parking Rules.
A permit does not guarantee a parking space. Parking spaces are available on a 'first-come' basis. Lack of space is not considered a valid excuse for violation of these rules.
Accessible parking bays are available for persons holding and clearly displaying a valid RMS Mobility Parking Scheme permit. Mobility permit holders may park in any marked mobility bay on campus, as per the RMS conditions.
If you are a driver to a mobility permit holder, the mobility permit must be displayed when the vehicle is being used to transport the permit holder. It must not be used to visit or run errands for the permit holder when that person is not being transported. Heavy fines apply for stopping in spaces reserved for people with mobility permits or using a permit in a way that infringes its conditions of use. Fines also apply if you have a permit, but do not display it on the vehicle when stopping or parking in a reserved space.
Misuse of an RMS Mobility Parking Scheme permit or possession and use of lost/stolen or forged/altered permits is a criminal offence and can result in a fine.
Mobility parking restrictions are in effect 24/7.
Casual Visitor parking is available to students, staff and visitors in designated areas.
We've introduced virtual one-day permits available for purchase by faculties, schools, or units with internal account codes. These permits allow for flexible management, enabling the school to add or remove registrations as needed.
To participate in this phase, please register your zID, first name and family name in the vPermit system. Subsequently, inform the parking office by emailing parking@unsw.edu.au.
Our team will validate your registration and provide instructions on using the system.
Please note that old paper One Day Parking permits will still be honoured if you have existing stock.
Reserved Zone Permits are available to:
- currently employed as Head of School, or a full-time Professor, of the University
- academic, professional and technical staff on equivalent salary package
- faculty vehicles (not personal use vehicles)
- individuals with a RMS Mobility Parking Scheme permit, fees apply.
Reserved Zone permit holders will be reviewed annually. Application for reserved zone parking permits must be made to Protective Services Management and is subject to the above criteria and availability.
The following academic titleholders are eligible for free parking during their contract, except emeriti professors who receive it permanently:
- Junior visiting research fellow
- Visiting academic
- Conjoint academic (except faculty of medicine conjoint academics)
- Adjunct academic / industry fellow
- Honorary academic
- Emeritus professor
Applications must be submitted to parking@unsw.edu.au advising zID, Name, Job Title and vehicle registration number.
Cellopark – PAYG – is more suited to those who are part-time or casual staff members and will not be driving to campus daily, so you only pay for the days you’re on Campus. The cost of a daily permit for staff is $8/day.
Motorcycle parking is free and only valid when parked within areas marked ‘Motorcycle Bay’. The parking of motorcycles is restricted to these designated areas only.
Bicycle parking is only available in designated bicycle racks on campus. Bikes that are not parked in designated bicycle racks (e.g., chained to light poles, railings, fences etc.) will be tagged with a warning by Campus Security Operations. If the bike is not removed within 48 hours, it will be impounded by Campus Security Operations.
For location of bicycle racks and shower facilities on the Kensington Campus go to the Bicycle Racks and Showers map.
If your bike is stolen on campus, please report it to Campus Security on 9385 6000.
All delivery vehicles must park in designated Loading Zone bays when delivering to UNSW campuses. Special arrangements for bulky and large deliveries may be made via the Parking office if required.
Parking is not permitted outside buildings, on footpaths, slopes, next to fire hydrants, driveways and not next to continuous yellow roadway markings.
No liability is created by the granting of parking or vehicle operating privileges on property owned, leased, or otherwise controlled by the University.
- The University assumes no responsibility for the care or protection of vehicles or contents while operated or parked on University property.
- The responsibility for finding an authorised parking space rests with the driver. Lack of parking space, mechanical problems, inclement weather conditions or other causes are not considered valid excuses for violation of these parking rules.
- Failure of the University to strictly enforce any parking rule shall not be construed as a waiver for the future enforcement of the rule.
- An individual is responsible for infringements issued to vehicles registered in his/her name, his/her family or his/her University unit. UNSW will not pay for infringements issued on or off campus, including when undertaking university business.
Parking on slopes and or outside of a marked bay is not permitted at any time. Fines apply.
These rules are correct at the time of publishing. Changes may be made without notice.