Booking Your Event

Submit your request here at least 14 days before your event date to allow up to five working days for a response from Estate Management.

Your event can only proceed once your request is confirmed. UNSW Protective Services may approach event organisers to verify their booking.

Please note: All campus events will be conducted in accordance with the UNSW Campus Policy.



Electric built-in barbeques are located at:

  • Chancellor’s Garden
  • Library Lawn gravel area
  • Physics Lawn

The Village Green Grandstand BBQ is managed by Arc Sports. For bookings or inquiries, email

BYO barbeques are permitted at the following locations:

  • Alumni Park East and West Lawns
  • Eleanora Kopalinsky Lawns
  • John Lion’s Garden
  • Michael Birt Lawn
  • Morven Brown Lawn
  • Merilyn Sleigh Lawn
  • Patricia O’Shane Courtyard
  • Goldstein Courtyard

Safety precautions are listed below.

You must complete the Barbeque Risk Assessment Form prior to your event.

Estate Management does not provide furniture for these requests.

A limited number of spots are available for booking information stalls at UNSW.

Library Walkway
The Library Walkway is a public space for staff and students to promote their clubs, societies, and events.

  • If you wish to sell baked goods to fundraise for your cause, society, or club, please mention this in your booking application form.

Helen Maguire Paved Area (at the bottom of the Basser Steps)
This is a public space for staff and students to promote their clubs, societies, and events.

  • Fundraising and commercial sale of food and drinks are not permitted due to the proximity to retail outlets.

A special event is an event which draws on multiple spaces, on the same day or over multiple dates, requires set up and pack down, and other support such as UNSW Security Services. 

To secure your location for a Special Event on campus like a faculty function, a special display or an event as big as O Week, Open Day or Arts week you will need to supply extra information ahead of time - at least 1 month in advance. 

How to book a special event on campus 

1. Request your Location here

2. Email Estate Management via with the below documentation: 

  1. Your event organiser's name, position, mobile number and email address
  2. Your event floor plan for marquees, stalls or activities.
  3. A runsheet of your event including bump in and out of stalls, marquees and equipment.
  4. A list of RSA Certificates for any waitstaff selling alcohol at your event, if applicable.
  5. A completed Events Information Risk Form for your event.
  6. A completed Security Event Proforma, if required.

Event Support

All electrical equipment needs to be tested and tagged prior to installation. For connection of your electrical equipment to UNSW power sources, please contact Estate Management to arrange a contractor to assist with set up and installation.  

Please advise the Estate Management team at or 9385 5111 to organise an onsite appointment. 

There are multiple car parks across the campus for general use. All drivers on UNSW grounds will need to comply with both RMS Restricted Parking Rules and UNSW Parking Rules. These rules are designed to stop vehicles from parking where it is dangerous or inconvenient for others.

Please note vehicles are not permitted on the Main Walkway between 8am and 6pm during term time.

If you need special access to non-parking areas and pedestrian walkways for deliveries or collections, contact for assistance.

If you are hosting an event outside of business hours, or require extra support for any reason, UNSW Protective Services can assist. Please make your request using the Extra Security Request Form (Security Event Pro Forma).

Please contact if you require assistance.

Estate Management can organise additional waste bins for general waste disposal and recycling purposes at your event for: 

  • Paper and cardboard, and 
  • General waste

Estate Management needs a minimum of 3 days notice before an event to supply these bins. Let us know where and when your event will be held, and when you'll need the bins removed. 

Contact to arrange.