UNSW PhD Research Students: UNSW PhD Research enrolled students are eligible to acquire an all-day parking permit to park in any “UNSW Permit Holder” bay on campus.
Applications may be submitted in the following link http://vpermit.com.au/unsw A copy of the vehicle registration papers or vehicle insurance papers is required when applying for this type of permit, as proof of ownership of the vehicle.
The vehicle registration or insurance papers must be in the PhD student's name to qualify for parking privileges. If the vehicle is registered under a different name, a statutory declaration is required stating that the owner is neither a UNSW student nor a UNSW staff member.
UNSW Residential Students: UNSW Residential Students (students who reside in UNSW Operated Accommodation) are eligible to acquire a 3-month all-day parking permit (renewable) to park in various carparks on campus. Applications can be submitted in the following link https://vpermit.com.au/UNSW/
A copy of the vehicle registration papers or vehicle insurance papers is required when applying for this type of permit, as proof of ownership to the vehicle.
The vehicle registration or insurance papers must be in the Residential student's name to qualify for parking privileges. If the vehicle is registered under a different name, a statutory declaration is required stating that the owner is neither a UNSW student nor a UNSW staff member.
Additionally, UNSW Residential Students must attach a current copy of the UNSW Student Accommodation Licence Agreement (Tenancy Agreement).
After submitting your application and the application has been approved by the Parking & Transport unit, you may make payment online. Any delays in payment may cause cancellation of your application.
A Permit holder may cancel their permit at any time via their vPermit account if it is no longer required. The refund request will be reviewed by the Security & Parking Team and processed accordingly. The refund amount, calculated from the cancellation date, will be displayed in the vPermit system, minus a $25 administration fee.