Parking on campus

At UNSW, we provide a range of parking options to accommodate staff, students, and visitors. While on-campus parking is limited, we aim to make your experience as smooth as possible. 

For information on parking permits or any queries, please contact us at

To help you navigate the campus, download our Campus Locations and Parking Map (PDF) and review the UNSW Parking Rules. If you have any special parking needs or require further assistance, don't hesitate to reach out.

You can also explore our interactive digital maps to find buildings and points of interest.

Complimentary parking is available from 7:30 PM to 7:30 AM on weekdays, and throughout the entire day on weekends and public holidays.


Parking options at UNSW

Click on one of the tiles below to view your parking options. 

UNSW Staff are able to choose between annual permits (via the UNSW vPermit website) OR pay-as-you-go Parking Sessions (via the CellOPark App). 

Having either an annual 'vPermit' or an active parking session on CellOPark allows staff to park in any bay marked 'UNSW Permit Holder'.

Annual Permits

  • Annual Permits must be applied for online through the vPermit system.
  • Annual Permits may be paid for upfront (via Credit or Debit Card) or by Salary Sacrifice, depending on the option chosen by the Applicant.
  • Multiple vehicle registration numbers can be entered into the vPermit system, but it is the driver’s responsibility to select the ‘active’ vehicle, which is parked on campus on the day, in the vPermit system.
  • Where an annual permit is purchased upfront using either a credit or debit card, and the permit is no longer required, the permit holder may cancel the permit in the vPermit system, and the refund request will be reviewed by the Security & Parking Team for processing. The refund amount is calculated from the date on which the permit is cancelled and will be shown on the cancelled permit information in the vPermit system, less a $25 administration fee.

Pay as you go (PAYG) Parking Sessions

  • PAYG Parking is available for UNSW staff who only park on Campus some of the time. 
  • To use PAYG Parking, staff must download and register an account through the CellOPark App
  • Staff are required to start a session on arrival via the CellOPark App each time they park on Campus. Failure to start a session may result in a parking infringement being issued.
  • Staff must provide a valid zID to be eligible for PAYG parking permits. If a valid zID is not provided, the driver will be issued with a casual parking permit and the relevant casual parking rates will apply.
  • It is the Drivers responsibility to ensure the registration they have listed in the CellOPark App is correct.
  • PAYG Parking Sessions will be charged to the credit/debit/prepaid card associated with the Drivers CellOPark account at the end of each billing cycle. The CellOPark billing cycle concludes on the 24th of each month.
  • Payment against your card will be processed by CellOPark on the 25th or 26th of each month for the parking on campus in the previous month.
  • The management of vehicles is through the Driver’s CellOPark account and not the vPermit system.
  • Approved refunds will be processed by CellOPark on the 25th or 26th of each month for fee incurred in the previous month. Requests for parking refunds must be approved by UNSW. 

All-day parking is available to visitors at the top level of Botany Street multi-storey Carpark, entry via Gate 11. Payment can be made through the Pay-by-Plate meter (located next to the lift) OR by downloading the Cellopark app by scanning the QR code found on the sign.  Payment is required on arrival.

Visitor parking is also available on level 1C of Barker Street multi-storey Carpark, entry via Gate 14. Payment can be made through Pay-by-Plate meter (located next to the lift) on the ground floor or meter found at the top level of the Barker Street carpark. Alternatively, payment can be made by downloading the Cellopark app scanning the QR code found on the sign. Payment is required on arrival.

Short-term 2P or 4P timed parking bays are available in the carparks accessible via Gates 2, 8 (off High Street); Gate 11 Apron (off Botany Street) and at the Western Campus carpark. Payment is required on arrival and can be made through Pay-By-Plate meter OR by downloading the Cellopark app by scanning the QR code found on the sign. 

After-Hours permit (valid from 3:30 pm – 7:30 pm) is available to all students, staff and the wider community. You may register in vPermit and select the option from the drop-down menu. Once the permit is approved and paid for, applicants may park in any ‘UNSW Permit Holder’ bay on campus after 3:30 pm on weekdays.


UNSW PhD Research Students: UNSW PhD Research enrolled students are eligible to acquire an all-day parking permit to park in any “UNSW Permit Holder” bay on campus. 

Applications may be submitted in the following link A copy of the vehicle registration papers or vehicle insurance papers is required when applying for this type of permit, as proof of ownership of the vehicle.

The vehicle registration or insurance papers must be in the PhD student's name to qualify for parking privileges. If the vehicle is registered under a different name, a statutory declaration is required stating that the owner is neither a UNSW student nor a UNSW staff member. 

UNSW Residential Students: UNSW Residential Students (students who reside in UNSW Operated Accommodation) are eligible to acquire a 3-month all-day parking permit (renewable) to park in various carparks on campus. Applications can be submitted in the following link 

A copy of the vehicle registration papers or vehicle insurance papers is required when applying for this type of permit, as proof of ownership to the vehicle.

The vehicle registration or insurance papers must be in the Residential student's name to qualify for parking privileges. If the vehicle is registered under a different name, a statutory declaration is required stating that the owner is neither a UNSW student nor a UNSW staff member. 

Additionally, UNSW Residential Students must attach a current copy of the UNSW Student Accommodation Licence Agreement (Tenancy Agreement).

After submitting your application and the application has been approved by the Parking & Transport unit, you may make payment online. Any delays in payment may cause cancellation of your application.

A Permit holder may cancel their permit at any time via their vPermit account if it is no longer required. The refund request will be reviewed by the Security & Parking Team and processed accordingly. The refund amount, calculated from the cancellation date, will be displayed in the vPermit system, minus a $25 administration fee.

Contractors may apply for a 3-month permit following the completion of their Contractor Safety Induction and after obtaining a UNSW ID card. Please register in the vPermit website and apply for your permit. Permits for daily, weekly or 3-month durations are available online, with payment made online via credit card.

The virtual permit is valid immediately upon payment, allowing parking exclusively in 'UNSW Permit Holder' bays.

Loading zones bays are available for the duration marked on the signs. You are required to offload the materials and then park in a permit holder bay. Should you require extended us of the Loading Zone, please inform your Estate Management Project Manager ahead of time, who will contact the Security & Traffic Management Office for approval. For after-hours approvals contact UNSW Security on 9385 6000.

Extensions for Loading Zone parking are granted only for emergency work or if you need to work from your vehicle. Any vehicle type, not just commercial vehicles, can utilize a Loading Zone bay if required.

A Permit holder may cancel their permit at any time via their vPermit account if it is no longer required. The refund request will be reviewed by the Security & Parking Team and processed accordingly. The refund amount, calculated from the cancellation date, will be displayed in the vPermit system, minus a $25 administration fee.

Under the RMS Mobility Parking Scheme, mobility parking permit holders can park in any unreserved bay on campus for free.

Your Mobility parking permit must only be displayed when the permit holder is in the vehicle. Make sure you always display your valid parking permit to avoid being fined. Fines apply for parking in Mobility parking spaces which infringe the conditions of use. 


Parking Fines


Parking at UNSW is actively patrolled by UNSW Security Parking Officers to ensure compliance with the parking regulations. All UNSW campuses (Kensington, Paddington, Western, and Randwick) operate as restricted parking areas, as defined in the Road Transport Regulation. Parking is regulated by the RMS' Restricted Parking Scheme, linked to the Self-Enforcing Infringement Notice Scheme (SEINS), and operated by the NSW Government Revenue NSW. 

Licence Plate Recognition (LPR) cameras are installed at vehicle entry and exit points at both Paddington and Kensington campuses and within the car parks for the primary purpose of collecting data on carpark usage trends and to support post-incident investigations.

UNSW Security parking officers will issue parking infringement notices as required if vehicles are parked in breach of the UNSW Parking Rules. You must make sure your car is wholly parked within the marked bay lines. If you park contrary to any parking condition, signs, or do not comply with directions given by UNSW Security Parking Officers, you may receive an infringement. UNSW Security parking officers are equipped with sound and video recording devices for safety purposes.

Parking infringements issued on campus have the same force in law as infringements issued by Police or Rangers. UNSW is unable to revoke infringements issued legally. 


Full FAQs are available for download:

UNSW can accommodate visiting organisations with their bus or coach parking on campus. Buses/Coaches must not park outside of these bus bays on campus. Penalties may apply.

Buses/Coaches can park in the following locations, noting size restrictions: 

  • Gate 11: 1 x mini-bus bay (22-seater maximum) located on the open space of Botany St carpark; and
  • Gate 14: 2 x coach bus bays (52-seater maximum) located on the exit side of Gate 14.

To book any of the three bus bays, please complete the Scheduled Event booking form

If you are issued with a parking infringement, you have 21 days to request a reviewpay the penalty in full, or to contest the notice in Court. You can pay your fine online at Revenue NSW.  

Parking infringements issued on campus have the same force in law as infringements issued by Police or Rangers. UNSW is unable to revoke infringements issued legally. 

For more information contact Revenue NSW on 1300 138 118. 

We have two dedicated parking spaces for parents with prams. One is on the ground floor of the  Botany St Carpark with entry via Gate 11, and one in the Barker Street Carpark with entry via Gate 14. A baby capsule or child's car seat will need to be visible through the windows of your car to avoid a parking fine. 

Yes! There are six electric vehicle charging stations located on the rooftop level of the Botany Street car park.

Users will be required to download the Chargefox App and set up an account to pay for charging.

The usual parking fees for students, staff and visitors also apply via a vPermit or the CellOPark App.

Visit the UNSW solar-powered electric vehicle charging stations page for more details.