If you see something suspicious or have been involved in an incident, report it immediately to UNSW Protective Services at 9385 6666. For non-urgent matters, call 9385 6000 or visit the Security Office at Gate 2, open 24/7. You can also use the SafeZone app to quickly connect with Campus Security for assistance or to report incidents directly from your smartphone.

When you call to report an incident or emergency to UNSW Protective Services, they will ask a series of questions such as:

  • who you are?
  • what happened?
  • where did this happen?
  • when did this happen?
  • will encourage you to report crime to the NSW Police. You can do this from a dedicated phone with direct access to the Police Assistance Line
  • can recommend steps you can take to avoid similar situations
  • can refer you, if necessary, to specially trained people on campus such as the Student Counselling Service. UNSW Staff are referred to the Employee Assistance Program.

Note: all information provided to Protective Services is treated seriously and is handled in line with the Privacy Act 1998.

Report fraudulent behaviour

If you are concerned you are being scammed or have been caught by a fraudster, please contact UNSW Security and Traffic Management on 9385 6000 or email UNSW Protective Services. Protective Services can help you to report the crime to the NSW Police and provide warnings to other students and staff if you report these crimes. You can also report them directly to the ACCC (the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission) by completing the ACCC Scamwatch Scam Reporting Form.

  • Protect your identity: Your personal details are private and invaluable – keep them that way and away from scammers
  • Don't respond: Ignore suspicious emails, letters, phone calls or text messages – press ‘delete’, throw them out or just hang up
  • Don't let scammers push your buttons: Scammers will play on your emotions to get what they want
  • Resist the personal touch: Watch out for scammers posing as someone that you know and trust, or pretending to know you

Don’t let scammers into your life – protect your identity.

Helpful resources:

Stay Safe in our State: Advice for International Students
Safety of international students is a matter of importance and priority for the state of NSW. A great resource has been created by NSW Police Force providing safety and crime prevention information to students and their families. In partnership with CISA and StudyNSW, the video is available in subtitled languages allowing students and families to have the information available in a language other than English for their benefit.

You can view the video in English, Arabic, Chinese, Hindi, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Thai and Vietnamese.